Nothing gets me more excited than carrying out a mission exactly to plan. Whether flying a jet fighter sortie, delivering a keynote, making a cold call, or successfully bluffing at poker, when things go flawlessly, it just feels great! But let’s face it…it almost NEVER happens!! I have a question for you. Are you perfect? Do you ever make mistakes? In the fighter pilot community, no mission is ever complete until we de-brief. Why? Because 99.9% of the time, mistakes are made and ...
Last week I got to celebrate my 45th birthday by flying with my good friend Ty in his Extra 300 high […]
Before fighter pilots can fly in combat, we have to demonstrate expertise in tactics, technology, and hands-on flying. Extensive hours of study, simulation and practice missions must be accomplished before we are designated “M/R” – MISSION READY! Simply put, we’re not trusted to fly with other wingmen until we can fully trust ourselves! In business and life, before you can be trusted to execute a mission and work with others, you too have to become Mission Ready. You have to trust ...
Are you committed to the same standards that you expect of others? Do you walk the walk or just talk […]
Last month I keynoted at a national sales meeting for an amazing company - Philips Medical Systems. At a social afterwards, I asked one of there their top gun sales performers (his nickname was ‘Opie’) what the key to his success was. He simply smiled and answered, “Waldo, I pick up the damn phone!” He then went on to explain how salespersons today fail to do the most critical thing when it comes to closing business – establishing and maintaining ...
As we approach The Super Bowl this weekend, I thought I would share a short story about an experience I […]