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Leadership keynotes on
Teamwork, Courage & Trust.

Waldo Speaking at Ambit 2021Today’s volatile business world requires organizations and leaders that can adapt to change, lead with courage, and commit to excellence.

Lt Col Waldo Waldman is a decorated fighter pilot, sales manager, Hall of Fame keynote speaker and author of the New York Times bestseller Never Fly Solo. He delivers high energy and interactive leadership keynotes that highlight the difference between managing people and leading them to be responsible, trustworthy, and courageous teammates

Building High Performance Cultures of Teamwork and Trust.

Culture is most important factor that influences a company’s profits and the delivery of its products or services. It’s the DNA of success and the foundation that builds a cohesive, high performance workforce that drives revenue, reduces turnover, and adapts to change.

Leadership Drives Culture.

Waldo Waldman’s leadership keynotes will engage the most challenging issues facing your organization and help it to achieve peak performance in highly competitive environments. What results is a more productive and efficient team with superior morale that can rapidly overcome challenges in a competitive marketplace.

As a Leadership Speaker, Waldo delivers high-energy, relevant and engaging keynotes. He’ll create a customized flight plan that your organization can employ for its next meeting.

Wingman Tenets For Success

Adapt courageously to change.

Overcome obstacles to break performance barriers.

Lead with conviction, integrity and compassion.

Build trusting relationships with partners.

Maximize potential in business and life.

Inspire a High Performance Culture
That Focuses on Results.

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Waldo Combines Combat & Real World Business
Experience to Create Powerful Content

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Waldo Customizes His Programs to Your Specific Business Objectives
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“My expectations were blown away. His message was completely integrated into everything we do.”

Dell EMC Logo
Jay Snyder, Sr. VP, Global Alliances
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An Organization that Leads to Win has
4 Distinct Characteristics

Keynote Speaker Waldo with his Wingmen

1. Shared Vision

Each and every wingman in the organization knows exactly what they are fighting for. They are committed to the mission, and understand exactly how their unique role in the organization is essential to its success.

Waldo Waldman helps teams Overcome adversity and Increase Performance

2. Values Based Culture

Integrity, accountability, mutual respect, and teamwork serve as the foundation for all relationships internally with co-workers, and externally with partners and clients.

Communication Keynote Waldo Waldman speaks to Sales teams

3. Effective Communication

Leaders listen aggressively and communicate their vision with passion. They promote open communication and connect with the heart and soul of the people they supervise and work with.

Teamwork Military Planning

4. Train to Win Mindset

Successful leaders command flawless preparation, not flawless execution! They encourage others to expand their capabilities, and consistently reward high performers who take calculated risks and ‘push the envelope’ in order to grow.

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Select Clients

Waldo’s programs have impacted hundreds of organizations in healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, and technology.

Johnson & Johnson
The Hartford
The Home Depot
GE Health
Denver Broncos
Dell EMC
American Express
Philips Healthcare
ABC Supply Co.