F16 Jets

Fly With Waldo

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Leaders Lift

3 Fighter Jets As we prepare for this holiday season, it’s important to reflect on the past year:  the highs and lows, the exciting and the dreadful, the wins and losses.   We may not have done everything right, but there were lessons learned that will undoubtedly help us grow in our personal and professional lives.

The lessons may have come from the “process,” but more often than not, they came from the people who we worked with.  When I think back on my Air Force years – the  intense training programs, deployments, and combat missions – I don’t think about the flying as much as the relationships.   Sure the flying was fun and exciting, but the people made the memories.  The people created the moments that mattered. I miss them.

The ones I will never forget were the encouragers – The wingmen who always found a way to inspire me when I was demotivated, and who lifted me when I was down.  They saw my greatness and didn’t let me fester in mediocrity.  They helped me take off when I much preferred to stay on the ground.

This coming year, be the type of person that others want to be around.  Be someone who inspires other to take action and who adds fuel to the fire of enthusiasm.  And most importantly, lend your support to those who really need it.  When you see someone at home or in your office with a clipped wing or who is having a flame-out, support them.  Be the wind beneath their wings.  Don’t let them fail. They may not ask for help, but they need you.

You can be the difference for someone who is having a bad day.  It may not make the news and nobody else may know about it.  But they will.

In these trying times, let’s be lifters, not draggers. To me, that’s what the holiday spirit is all about.

May you and your family have a healthy, prosperous, and blessed holiday season.

Your Wingman,