Being “busy” is not an excuse to not help, stay connected with or appreciate the people in your life who you have relationships ships with (especially those that have gone above and beyond in helping you.)
Have you ever met someone who’s highly motivated, full of energy, and ready to take on the world, yet they never seem to get anything done? They’re passionate and have the greatest intentions, but for some reason they just can’t seem to accomplish their goals. In the fighter pilot world, they are what we call “All thrust and no vector.” They have the power and motivation but lack the vector - the guidance, the target, the direction. They’re flying in all directions ...
The Wingman Philosophy is all about mutual support. It involves creating an environment where your associates, partners, and significant others can approach you and give you the feedback you may not want to hear, but need to hear. To be a wingman, you not only have be approachable and open to criticism; but also have the courage to give feedback that may put the relationship at risk in order to do what’s right for your company, customers, and team. For example, even ...
How many times a week do you get an unsolicited call at work (i.e. an interruption) where someone tries to sell you something? The person on the line knows absolutely nothing about you or your company (other than the name on the call list in front of them), but is convinced that their product/service is critical for your business. “Can I send you an e-mail and a few pdfs that outline our services?” “Let me direct you to our website and ...
A key component in reaching your goals is to write them down and visualize them every day. This makes your goals real.
How courage, focus, and wingmen can help you tackle your fears Three years into my eleven year Air Force flying career, my life changed when I almost died during a scuba diving trip in the Caribbean. Thirty feet under the water and exhausted from excessive use of my arms to swim, I inhaled a full lungful of water and had the most intense panic attack of my life. I literally thought I was going to die. A week later, I found ...