F16 Jets

Fly With Waldo

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Be a WingGiver


“We’re each of us Angels, with only one wing, and we can only fly embracing each other”
Luciano de Crescenzo

It’s 25 April at 1:30 am and I just turned 39!

As I celebrate the start of my birthday, I can’t help but think about how awesome of a year it’s been for me. So many great victories and exciting opportunities that were a direct result of you…my wingmen! You’ve supported me, instructed me, and most of all, encouraged me. You gave me a wing when I needed it most. (special plug for mom, dad, and my twin brother Dave – yes…there are two Waldos!)


Today, I would ask you to ponder those people in your lives who gave you that extra wing when you had only one. Who pushed you to take action when you were immobilized by your fear and doubt…Who made that ‘out of the blue’ phone call to you just when you needed it most…Who ‘checked your six’ and saw your blind spots…Who told you to ‘break right’ before you got shot down…

Little things make a huge difference in our lives.

More importantly, I would like to ask you to reflect on how willing you are to lend a wing to your co-workers, customers, family, and friends when they need it the most. You see, in order to find wingmen in your lives, you have to be a wingman. In order to find courage, you have to give it to others.

So – earn your wings every day and then give one away. Be a WingGiver. Do something…anything…that can make a difference in someone’s life. Give someone hope, courage, guidance, love…these are the wingman’s tools that give meaning to our missions…the tools that help us to fly.

Wishing you peace on my Birthday and always.


1-866-Waldo-16 (925-3616)